Stain Removal

At  we have a 95% success in removing every day stains using  Eco-Friendly spot removers which leave your carpets and upholstery  looking and feeling soft to the touch.

Everyday stains include

Ketchup Stain
For Ketchup stains we use our Protein spotter

Blood Stain
Blood stains can be removed using our Rust Remover.

An be removed  by a tannin solution

Ink Stain
Ink stains can be removed using our Paint Oil Grease Remover.

Rust Stain
Rust stains can be removed using our Rust Remover.

Crayon Stain
We remove crayon stains using our Paint Oil Grease Remover.

Grease Stain / Paint Stain/Oil
We remove grease stains using our Paint Oil Grease Remover.

Juice Stain
Juice stains can be removed using a Steam Cleaning process.

Coffee /tea
Can be removed by a tannin solution

Lipstick Stain
Lipstick stains can be removed using our Paint Oil Grease Remover.

For carpet cleaning:
Contact Us today on 021 4533398 or 085 73 03 779

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